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The Smart Guide to Hiring React Native Developers: Salary Negotiation Tactics That Work


So, you've found some promising React Native developer candidates and are ready to make an offer. But how much should you offer to attract top talent without overpaying? Negotiating revenue for a specialized function like this can be tricky. As a hiring manager, you choose to make a competitive offer that is accepted; however, you also want to make a clever deal for your company.

The proper information is that arming yourself with the proper data and techniques can help you navigate this way with confidence. This information will furnish the modern income benchmarks for React Native developers, so you can comprehend the usual pay range. You'll additionally get insider hints for negotiating a quality deal, whether or not you are making an attempt to land a rock-star candidate or want to expand your budget. By the end, you will be geared up to make a provision that appeals to your desired candidate while nevertheless being a win for your group and the backside line.

1. Benchmarking Salaries for React Native Developers

The common annual income for a React Native developer in the United States is around $139,250, according to ZipRecruiter [1]. Junior candidates can begin with salaries as low as $37,500, while mid-level experts earn around $132,916.

Glassdoor estimates the complete pay for a React Native developer to be around $100,461 per 12 months in the United States, with a common profit of $94,607 per year [2]. According to, the common annual revenue for a React Native developer is about $75,358. The majority of salaries vary from $70,859 to $80,658 per 12 months [3].

Another source, Flexiple, suggests that React Native builders earn a common income of around $95,967 per 12 months at an intermediate stage of travel [4]. Dev Technosys Ltd. estimates the common annual earnings for a React Native developer to be around $93,250. The majority of salaries fall between $87,631 and $99,900 per 12 months [5].

2. Key Skills and Experience to Look for When Hiring React Native Developers

When hiring React Native developers, look for candidates with the following key skills and experience:

  • Strong JavaScript and React skills: React Native is built on React, so developers need a solid understanding of JavaScript and React. Look for experience building web apps with React and a passion for staying up-to-date with the latest React Native features and best practices.

  • Knowledge of native platforms: React Native developers build apps that run on iOS and Android, so familiarity with those platforms is important. Look for experience developing native apps, or at minimum, knowledge of the constraints and capabilities of each platform.

  • Experience with React Native libraries and tools: The React Native ecosystem includes many helpful libraries and tools. Look for experience with libraries like Redux, React Navigation, and Expo. Familiarity with tools like Xcode, Android Studio, and the React Native CLI is also useful.

  • A track record of shipping apps: Ideally, look for developers who have shipped one or more React Native apps to the App Store and Google Play. Shipping apps require skills beyond just writing code, like debugging, optimizing performance, and handling edge cases. Developers with a proven track record of shipping production apps will have a much easier time delivering for you.

  • Curiosity and a passion for mobile: The mobile space moves quickly, so look for developers with a thirst for learning the latest technologies and trends in mobile development. Passion for building innovative mobile user experiences is key.

3. How to Assess Cultural Fit When Interviewing React Native Developers

When interviewing React Native developers, evaluating their cultural fit within your team and company is just as important as assessing their technical skills. Here are some tips to help determine if a candidate will mesh well with your organisation’s values and environment:

  • Ask about their preferences: Discuss the candidate’s ideal work culture and environment. Do they prefer strict schedules or flexible hours? Individual or team-based work? Formal or casual dress code? Their answers can reveal whether they align with your company’s culture.

  • Discuss challenges: Present a realistic job challenge or scenario and ask them to walk you through how they would address it. See if their problem-solving approach matches your company’s philosophy. For example, do they focus on collaboration or prefer to work independently? Do you value speed or precision? Their methods can indicate if they would fit in with your team’s way of working.

  • Assess soft skills and evaluate how the candidate interacts with you and other interviewers. Do they show empathy, adaptability, and emotional intelligence? Strong soft skills are important for collaboration and client work. React Native developers often work closely with designers, product managers, and clients, so cultural fit relates as much to personality and work style as technical background.

  • Check references: Speaking with former colleagues and managers can provide insight into the candidate’s strengths, work habits, values, and soft skills. Ask open-ended questions about their preferred culture, environment, and team dynamics. References from recent roles will give the most accurate sense of whether the candidate would align with your company culture today.

4. Salary Negotiation Tactics That Work for Hiring React Native Developers

Once you’ve found qualified React Native developers you want to hire, it’s time to negotiate the salary. Here are some tactics that will help you land top talent at a fair price:

  • Do your research.: Look at sites like Glassdoor, PayScale, and to determine the typical salary range for a React Native developer in your area with the desired experience level. This will ensure the offer is competitive and help avoid overpaying (or underpaying, which could scare the candidate off!).

  • Focus on total compensation: Don’t just consider base pay; also discuss bonuses, benefits, PTO, retirement plans, and any other perks. The total package, not just salary alone, will determine how attractive an offer is to a candidate.

  • Discuss career growth: For many developers, opportunities for career advancement and skill development are just as important as compensation. Be prepared to discuss potential career paths and options for mentorship or continuing education. This shows you’re invested in their long-term success.

  • Stay flexible: Go into negotiations with a salary range rather than a set figure. This gives you room to compromise while still meeting your budget. If needed, you can increase the offer or throw in additional perks like extra PTO or work-from-home days to sweeten the deal.

  • Explain your reasoning.: Don’t just throw out numbers; give a well-thought-out rationale for your offer based on the developer’s experience, qualifications, and your company’s compensation structure. This helps set the right expectations and shows you value the candidate. Be open to hearing a counteroffer and negotiating from there.

5. Additional Benefits and Perks to Offer Beyond Salary When Hiring React Native Developers

Beyond a competitive salary, React Native developers highly value additional benefits and perks. Offering a robust benefits package will make your job listing much more appealing and help seal the deal when negotiating an offer.

  • Health insurance: Comprehensive health insurance, including medical, dental, and vision, is essential. Developers want to know they’ll be covered in case of illness or injury.

  • Paid time off: Offering paid time off for vacation, holidays, and sick days shows you value work-life balance. Three to four weeks of PTO are typical.

  • Retirement planning: Matching contributions to a 401(k) or IRA retirement plan are attractive benefits for developers looking to save for the future. Offer to match 3–6% of their contributions at a minimum.

  • Professional development: Continuing education and skills training are important for React Native developers. Consider offering a budget for attending conferences, courses, or other learning opportunities. You’ll reap the rewards of their increased expertise.

  • Flexible work options: The option to work remotely, have a flexible schedule or take unpaid leave can be appealing perks for some developers. Being open to alternative work arrangements makes you an attractive employer.

  • Additional perks: Small perks that make a big difference include things like a casual dress code, free snacks, gym membership discounts, and pet-friendly offices. React Native developers will appreciate a fun, collaborative work environment.


In conclusion, hiring top React Native developers is challenging but worth the effort. With salary negotiation tactics tailored for this niche, you’ll be well on your way to finding dedicated talent for your team.

Do some research on sites like Glassdoor, PayScale, and to determine the typical salary range for React Native developers in your area. While compensation will vary significantly based on factors like experience level and job responsibilities, aim for at least the median salary to remain competitive.

Make an initial offer on the higher end of the typical range. For example, if salaries for mid-level React Native developers in your city are $95,000 to $120,000, consider offering $110,000 or $115,000 to begin. This shows you value the candidate’s skills and experience. Be open to negotiation from there. Emphasize any additional benefits, like healthcare, retirement plans, paid time off, flexible work schedules, and continuing education allowances. These types of perks can make a job more attractive, even if the base salary is a bit lower.

While you want to get the best deal possible, avoid taking a hardline approach. React Native developers with the most experience will likely have other options, so work with them to find a compromise. You may need to adjust your offer by $5,000 to $10,000 or more to land the best candidate. Focus on their total compensation package, not just base pay.

With the help of resources like DashHire, you can make smart hiring decisions, benchmark salaries accurately, and negotiate effectively. Using these tactics, you'll hire React Native developers who will greatly contribute to the success of your project. Stay patient, remain reasonable, and think long-term. The extra investment will pay off.


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